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Speak & Spell Classic Talking Computer

Price Range $39.95 Original Price
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  • Speak & Spell Classic Talking Computer teaches kids to associate sounds and letters with 5 play modes and multiple challenge levels
  • It’s the same portable retro design parents remember, now with a nearly endless built-in word list
  • Batteries included
  • Ages 7+

Item Details

‘Look M-O-M, I Can S-P-E-L-L!’. The original talking toy is back to engage a new generation of beginning spellers and readers! Speak & Spell Classic Talking Computer teaches kids to associate sounds and letters with 5 play modes and multiple challenge levels. It’s the same portable retro design parents remember, now with a nearly endless built-in word list. Batteries included. Ages 7+.


This product stimulates an interest in STEM. Science, Technology, Engineering and Math!

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